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HRC hardness test on the Series B2000 Wilson Rockwell machine

by Leland Lam

  1. Check to make sure no threads are showing on the indenter. The ball should be screwed all the way in.
    • Check to make sure no threads are showing on the indenter.

    • The ball should be screwed all the way in.

    • Make sure the indenter being used is the correct indenter for the material.

  2. Place the indenter into the "Snap Grip" holding mechanism. Place the indenter into the "Snap Grip" holding mechanism.
    • Place the indenter into the "Snap Grip" holding mechanism.

  3. Make sure the sample is on the stage. Make sure the sample is on the stage.
    • Make sure the sample is on the stage.

  4. Press the power button on the lower right side of the machine to turn it on. Press the power button on the lower right side of the machine to turn it on.
    • Press the power button on the lower right side of the machine to turn it on.

    • After the display is on, press OK to continue.

    • Select Scale in upper left hand corner.

    • Select the appropriate scale. In this case, HRC. Press OK

    • Use the arrow buttons on the front of the machine to bring the indenter close to the surface of the sample.

    • The indenter should not be touching the surface of the sample.

    • Press green Start button on the front of the machine to start hardness testing.

    • After the machine finishes testing hardness, the hardness information will be on the display.

    • To test sample multiple times repeat steps 6 and 7.

    • After testing is complete, clear data by pressing the clear data button.

    • Using the arrow buttons on the front of the machine, retract the indenter.

    • Remove indenter from the machine and place back in case.

    • Turn off machine with the power button.

    • Place the clear cover back onto the machine.

Finish Line

Leland Lam

Member since: 04/05/2015

1 Guide authored


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