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by Linda Vanasupa

  1. Hair back to avoid getting caught in machinery. Approved eye protection.
    • Hair back to avoid getting caught in machinery.

    • Approved eye protection.

    • Safety glasses are sufficient.

    • Long pants.

    • Close-toed shoes.

    • Switch is located near the backside of the machine.

    • Using buttons on the display press OK to continue

    • Select Scale in the upper left hang corner display

    • Usually HRB or HRC; check this table for a list of conditions and settings.

    • For the theory on selection of scales, go to this entry.

    • Press OK

  2. Indenter should be 1/8" ball. Move the indenter up to give yourself enough room to place the sample by pushing the up arrow located at the front of the machine
    • Indenter should be 1/8" ball.

    • Move the indenter up to give yourself enough room to place the sample by pushing the up arrow located at the front of the machine

  3. Bring indenter near (BUT NOT TOUCHING) the surface. New indentations should be at least three indenter diameters from an edge or another reading.  See theory for more information.
    • Bring indenter near (BUT NOT TOUCHING) the surface.

    • New indentations should be at least three indenter diameters from an edge or another reading. See theory for more information.

    • Use the button on the front panel to lower and raise the indenter.

  4. Start test by pressing the green button. Record reading.
    • Start test by pressing the green button.

    • Record reading.

Finish Line

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Linda Vanasupa

Member since: 02/11/2015

22 Guides authored


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