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Version 1

by Jamie Cannady


These simple safety steps will help ensure you operate the SEM correctly and according to the Materials Engineering Department rules. Failure to comply to these safety rules may result in losing your ability to use the SEM.

  1. Locate the log book near the SEM desktop Only use pen when entering data into log book
    • Locate the log book near the SEM desktop

    • Only use pen when entering data into log book

    • Enter your name, the date, the starting time, the room temperature and humidity, the operational mode, and a description of your experiment

    • Note: you will also have to enter the vacuum pressure, high voltage, filament current, emission current, and finish time when prompted in SEM Operation of Equipment Guide

  2. Wear nitrile/ rubber gloves when opening and closing the chamber door,  and when handling and loading the sample
    • Wear nitrile/ rubber gloves when opening and closing the chamber door, and when handling and loading the sample

    • Note: avoid resting arms on any chamber surfaces to avoid contamination

  3. Never operate SEM alone, always have a partner in the room
    • Never operate SEM alone, always have a partner in the room

    • Always wear closed toed shoes and long pants when in the SEM room

    • Note: Safety glasses/ goggles are not necessary when operating the SEM

  4. Always make sure the vacuum is off and the SEM is de-pumped before opening the chamber door
    • Always make sure the vacuum is off and the SEM is de-pumped before opening the chamber door

    • This ensures the expensive filament will not blow prior to your experiment

Finish Line

Jamie Cannady

Member since: 01/25/2016

7 Guides authored


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Materials Engineering Equipment Safety by The Cal Poly MatE Community is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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