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by Linda Vanasupa


This safety guide highlights the most critical safety concerns in working with the plasma system.

When you' re finished, complete the safety qualification exam for "Duradyne Plasma Surface Treatment" on this polylearn site.

(You may need to enroll first).

  1. During operation, the plasma wand is high voltage.
    • During operation, the plasma wand is high voltage.

    • Always use non-conductive gloves when touching the wand to avoid shock.

    • The chassis is electrically grounded; touching both chassis and wand during plasma operation will cause shock and possibly death.

  2. Keep all living objects clear of plasma during operation.
    • Keep all living objects clear of plasma during operation.

    • The high energy plasma will damage living tissue even if plasma is not visible. Keep away from living tissue.

    • Argon plasma will generate trace amounts of reactive by products.

    • Minimize inhalation near plasma.

    • Use a fume hood if surface treatment exceeds 10 seconds.

    • Changing the plasma jet gas can cause unintended chemical reactions

    • Do not use anything other than argon for the plasma jet gas.

    • Now, complete the safety qualification test for the Duradyne Plasma Surface treatment system.

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Linda Vanasupa

Member since: 02/11/2015

22 Guides authored


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Materials Engineering Equipment Safety by The Cal Poly MatE Community is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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