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Rockwell Hardness Testing Safety

by Linda Vanasupa


Safety is the main priority in the labs at Cal Poly. In the mechanical testing room this includes no food and drinks in lab, don't be in lab by yourself after hours, proper attire and always prop the Mechanical testing lab door open.

  1. Laboratory eye protection required. If working with chemicals, these must be lab goggles.
    • Laboratory eye protection required.

    • If working with chemicals, these must be lab goggles.

    • Closed toe shoes required.

    • Hair must be up and out of face.

    • Legs covered by pants.

    • Use lab jacket or apron when dealing with chemicals

    • no food or drink in lab

    • Keep door propped open.

Finish Line

Linda Vanasupa

Member since: 02/11/2015

22 Guides authored


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Materials Engineering Equipment Safety by The Cal Poly MatE Community is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at