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by Linda Vanasupa


There are many safety precautions specific to the Bruker Tracer III-SD XRF-Gun. Below is a series of useful steps to follow to ensure the highest degree of safety when handling the Bruker Tracer III-SD XRF-Gun.

  1. Be sure to follow "ALARA" principles. Take action so X-ray exposure is "As Low As Reasonably Achievable" (ALARA)
    • Be sure to follow "ALARA" principles.

    • Take action so X-ray exposure is "As Low As Reasonably Achievable" (ALARA)

    • There is radiation exposure at all 360 degrees of incidence from the analyzer (Picture 2 displays this), albeit less concentrated in some areas.

    • Factors that should be limited are radiation exposure time and distance from radiation. Also shielding from radiation should be maximized.

  2. Always wear a dosimeter when using the XRF gun in order to document radiation absorption.
    • Always wear a dosimeter when using the XRF gun in order to document radiation absorption.

  3. High Intensity X-rays. Do not expose any part of the body to the beam. X-ray concentration is at its strongest at a 53° incident angle from the examination window to the users' left (as viewed from the users' perspective).
    • High Intensity X-rays. Do not expose any part of the body to the beam.

    • X-ray concentration is at its strongest at a 53° incident angle from the examination window to the users' left (as viewed from the users' perspective).

    • This instrument conforms to ANSI N43.3 (Safety Requirements for cabinet X-ray systems)

    • Take special precautions to minimize any radiation exposure if you have ovaries.

  4. X-rays are only generated when the trigger is pulled. A  red light illuminates when x-rays are generated.
    • X-rays are only generated when the trigger is pulled.

    • A red light illuminates when x-rays are generated.

  5. DO NOT use hands to hold the sample. DO NOT point the analyzer at people during measurement when the red X-ray light is on.
    • DO NOT use hands to hold the sample.

    • DO NOT point the analyzer at people during measurement when the red X-ray light is on.

  6. Please complete the safety link found using this link _________________
    • Please complete the safety link found using this link _________________

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Kelly Palermo

Member since: 10/12/2015

5 Guides authored


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