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by Linda Vanasupa


Proper sample preparation is important to achieve quality results.

  1. Samples must cover the entire measurement window to minimize x-ray exposure. Samples must cover the entire measurement window to minimize x-ray exposure.
    • Samples must cover the entire measurement window to minimize x-ray exposure.

  2. Gently wash your sample with soap and water. If available use a brush to avoid skin contact with sample.
    • Gently wash your sample with soap and water. If available use a brush to avoid skin contact with sample.

    • Sample surface should be free of oxidation, oils, or other surface films.

    • Sample contamination can lead to the identification of unwanted elements added to the spectra as well as attenuating desired X-rays.

  3. For optimal results, samples should be prepared as flat discs, 20-50 mm in diameter.
    • For optimal results, samples should be prepared as flat discs, 20-50 mm in diameter.

    • Methods of obtaining sample discs vary (i.e. machining metal, finely grinding and pressing minerals into tablets, casting glasses).

    • These discs should then be polished in order to minimize irregularities on the sample surface.

    • Irregular surfaces can produce poor results by reabsorbing lower energy x-rays.

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Kelly Palermo

Member since: 10/12/2015

5 Guides authored


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