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by Linda Vanasupa


The steps in this guide need to be followed carefully in order to safely and properly conduct compositional analysis using the XRF.

    • Push the battery cartridge into the XRF gun as shown.

  1. Turn on the HP iPAQ by pressing the power button. A home screen should appear (as shown in the second picture).
    • Turn on the HP iPAQ by pressing the power button.

    • A home screen should appear (as shown in the second picture).

  2. Insert key into slot and turn 90° to the right. A yellow light should turn on. Press the Windows logo on the top left of the screen.
    • Insert key into slot and turn 90° to the right.

    • A yellow light should turn on.

    • Press the Windows logo on the top left of the screen.

    • Press 'Bruker S1'

  3. Press 'Login' Enter the 4 digit password '1066'
    • Press 'Login'

    • Enter the 4 digit password '1066'

    • Press 'Continue'

  4. Here two different types of tests can be selected: "Pass/Fail" or "Analyze"
    • Here two different types of tests can be selected: "Pass/Fail" or "Analyze"

    • "Pass/Fail" will allow the sample to be compared to known metals in the database.

    • "Analyze" will simply read the composition of the sample and try to match it with a known metal.

    • Proceed to either "Pass/Fail" (Step 6) or "Analyze" (Step 8) depending on your analysis needs.

  5. Check the Default Configuration step from Theory/Interpretation to ensure that the XRF settings are correct before proceeding to analysis.
    • Check the Default Configuration step from Theory/Interpretation to ensure that the XRF settings are correct before proceeding to analysis.

  6. This option should be used when material confirmation is necessary. Use the stylus to scroll through the list of known materials until the desired material(s) is found. Select that material(s) by highlighting it with the stylus.
    • This option should be used when material confirmation is necessary.

    • Use the stylus to scroll through the list of known materials until the desired material(s) is found.

    • Select that material(s) by highlighting it with the stylus.

    • Next, press the left arrow key (<-) to input the selected metal from the 'Fail' column to the 'Pass' column. The sample will now be tested against this material to see if there is a composition match.

    • If an improper material is selected simply highlight it in the 'Pass' column and then press the right arrow key (->) to return it to the original 'Fail' column.

    • The screen should now display 'Ready to Test'. To find out how to initiate analysis please jump to (Step 8)

  7. The &quot;Analyze&quot; option is good for identifying the exact composition of an unknown material.
    • The "Analyze" option is good for identifying the exact composition of an unknown material.

    • If you have successfully selected the "Analyze" option you will see the "Ready to Analyze" screen. To see how to initiate analysis, proceed to (Step 8).

  8. The XRF gun should now be pressed against the sample as shown. Be sure that the sample covers the testing window.
    • The XRF gun should now be pressed against the sample as shown.

    • Be sure that the sample covers the testing window.

    • Pull and hold the trigger to initiate analysis.

    • Be sure to keep the examination area clear.

    • The test will stop after 15 seconds; the trigger may be released before that if it is seen that a suitable composition reading has been determined.

    • Watch the Main Screen to view the composition results as they come in.

    • When satisfied with the reading, let go of the trigger to stop the analysis.

  9. After analysis the composition screen will appear showing the results of the XRF analysis. The longer the time of exposure (in seconds), the more accurate the results.
    • After analysis the composition screen will appear showing the results of the XRF analysis.

    • The longer the time of exposure (in seconds), the more accurate the results.

    • Match quality determines how accurately (on a 0.0-10.0 scale) the examined material matches a material in the database of the XRF.

    • For more information on the Spectrum plot, return to Step 6 of the "Interpretation and Theory" Guide.

    • For more information on the Composition Results, return to Step 7 of the "Interpretation and Theory" Guide.

    • If you analyze anything without a filter, you may see a large Ni peak - that is the metallic casing around the tube.

Finish Line

Kelly Palermo

Member since: 10/12/2015

5 Guides authored


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